Unavailable in 2024
Growing Instructions: Transplant anytime after hard frosts are infrequent in spring to mid july. Inground spacing 3”-4” apart in rows 12”-18” apart. Beets grown from transplant won’t be as uniform as beets that have been seeded in place. When harvesting, gently pull out desired beet(s) while holding back the rest.
Avalanche (OP)
A mild and sweet white beet that won’t leave any stains
Boldor (OP)
Goldenrod yellow interior with great flavor. Keeps its colour when cooked and won’t leave any stains
Chioggia Guardsmark (OP)
Pink and white concentric circles make this beet a real beauty. Excellent flavour and doesn’t stain. Colour doesn’t stay vibrant when cooked, so grate it into a salad for best display.
A red beet with smooth red skin and delicious flavour.
Bitter Melon
Vigorous grower, climbing vine that produces yellow flowers and 7-8″ dark green fruits with heavily warted skin. Grows well in hot weather. Can get up to 12’ tall/long. Young leaf shoots can also be eaten.
Growing Instructions:
Plant after risk of frost and weather is settled. Space plants 3-3.5’ apart in rows 4’ apart. Full sun.
Variety: Japanese Bitter Gourd (OP)
Bush Bean
Growing instructions: Transplant when danger of frost has passed, or be prepared to cover them up if cold weather threatens. In ground spacing 6” apart in rows 18-24” apart. Does well in containers. Pick regularly to encourage longer harvest time.
Provider Green Bush Bean (OP)
Produces 5 1/2" fleshy, round pod green beans
Rocdor Yellow Bush Bean (OP)
Rocdor produces straight, 6 1/2" long, slender, deep yellow beans.
Growing Instructions: Transplant when soil and air are warm. Do not disturb roots when transplanting. In ground spacing
12” apart in rows 5-6’ apart. Does well in containers. Can trellis to save space. Harvest regularly for consistent production.
Excelsior (F1)
Pickling cucumber. Excellent flavour for fresh eating too. Produces 4”-5” long dark green cucumbers.
Socrates (F1)
Beit Alpha (Lebanese) Cucumber. Tender, thin skinned, 7”- 8” long fruit. Like a small English cucumber, but better!
Growing Instructions: Plant out after danger of frost is past and weather is settled. Space plants 18” apart in rows 30-36” apart. Can use row cover to protect from flea beetles and colorado potato beetle. Tomato cages make good supports for eggplant
Fairy Tale (F1)
65 days. Wonderful flavor with no bitterness and very few seeds. Abundant fruit are 2–4" long by 3/4–1 1/4" diameter. Compact 18-24" plants do well in containers or in the ground
Orient Express (F1)
58 days. Delicate flavour with no bitterness. Fruit is slender and glossy, 8–10" long by 1 1/2–2 1/2" diameter. High yielding and dependable in cool or hot weather. Plants can do well in containers
Gaudi (F1)
65 days. Produces lovely teardrop shaped fruit that is 6-8” long. Plants are stress tolerant.
Growing Instructions: Plant 12" apart. Sun.
Annual. OP. Will readily self seed. Height 18-30". Large plant attracts pollinators. Blue flowers fade to pink as they age. Edible blossoms with a cucumber flavour.
Growing instructions: Sun/part shade. Plant height 24-30" In ground spacing 6-12". Deadhead regularly for the most blooms
Alpha (OP)
Annual. Will readily self seed. Bright orange blooms reminiscent of Gerber daisies. Edible petals with a tangy and slightly bitter flavour. Remove the petals from the centre of the flower before eating as the center of the flower is bitter. High resin content for medicinal use.
Gem Marigold
Growing Instructions: Sun. Plant height 12". Good in containers or in the ground. In ground spacing 12". Deadhead regularly for the most blooms
Lemon Gem, Tangerine Gem, Red Gem OP Annual. Edible foliage for salads. Edible flowers have a citrusy flavour. Remove the petals from the centre of the flower before eating as the center of the flower is bitter
Growing instructions: Plant when all danger of frost is past. Vining habit. Sun/part shade. Makes an excellent hanging basket (3-5 plants per pot) or ground cover. In ground spacing 8-12" apart. Height 16". Colours include yellow, orange and red. Deadhead for the most blooms
Kaliedescope mix (OP)
Annual. Leaves, flowers and seed pods are edible and have a peppery flavour.
Growing Instructions: Will tolerate a light frost. Sun to part shade. Does well in containers (4-6 plants/pot) or in the ground (6-9" spacing). Low growing.
Helen Mount (OP)
Perennial, may also self seed. The traditional johnny jump up. Edible flowers have a mild wintergreen flavour.
Growing Instructions: Plant 9-12" apart . Sun.
Annual. OP. Height 40-50". Long lasting blooms that are excellent for cut flowers. If deadheaded, will produce flowers all season until frost
Variety: Benary's Giant Mix. Colours could include red, orange, carmine rose, coral, lime, wine, purple, bright pink, white, salmon rose, scarlet, and golden yellow.
Growing Instructions: Transplant when danger of frost has passed, or be prepared to cover if cold weather threatens. For bushier plants, and increased harvest pinch the central stem back by half and about 1/4 inch above the leaf axils once plant is 6-8” tall. As the plants keep branching, continue to pinch stems back in the same manner. In ground plant spacing 6”-12” apart in rows 18” apart. Does well in containers
Prospera DMR PS5 (F1)
Annual. Genovese basil with downy mildew and Fusarium resistance. Authentic aroma and flavour. Semi compact plant, hight 18”-22”.
Thai Basil (OP)
Annual. Thai basil with lovey licorice flavour. Large leaves and purple flowers make this a beautiful plant. Height 18”
Growing Instructions: Keep well watered until established.
Perennial, will also readily self seed. Grey-green leaves and white flowers. Height 24-48 inches. Harvest like basil or mint
Growing instructions: Can be planted when weather is still cool. Harvest regularly by cutting plant just above the first layer of leaves to prolong harvest. Does well in containers.
Calypso Cilantro (OP)
Annual. Great flavour and slow to bolt.
Growing instructions: Keep well watered until established. Mature chive clumps can be divided every 3-4 years. Perennial. Mild, oniony flavour. Edible blossoms!
Growing instructions: Can be planted when weather is still cool. Plant every 3 weeks for continual harvests.
Teddy Dill (OP)
Annual. Container sized plants produce delicious foliage, flowers and seeds
Lemon Balm
Growing Instructions: Keep well watered until established. In ground spacing 12” apart. Harvest like basil or mint.
Perennial if mulched. Leaves have distinct lemon flavour. Excellent in tea and salads. Height 18-26 inches.
Growing Instructions: Keep well watered until established. Can be planted in the ground or in containers. Will spread aggressively. Harvest like basil
Apple Mint
Perennial. Lovely mint flavour that doesn’t overpower. Soft gray-green leaves.
Chocolate Mint
Perennial. A great tea mint with the flavour of After Eights!
Growing instructions: To keep plants healthy, remove any old wood at the end of winter. For best harvest, replace plants after 4 years.
Greek Oregano (OP)
Perennial. Strong oregano flavour. Height 8”- 24” Can do well in containers
Growing Instructions: Transplant when danger of frost has passed. Prolonged exposure to cold weather in the spring can cause plants to bolt. In ground plant spacing 8”-12” apart. Does well in containers
Giant of Italy Parsley (OP)
Biennial. Produces lots of large, dark green leaves. Packed with flavour. High yielding. May overwinter to produce seeds the second season.
Growing Instructions: Plant in a place with good drainage for best chance of overwintering. Plants can last up to 4 years before needing to be replaced. Keep well watered until established.
Perennial sometimes. Good drainage helps. Height 16-30” Flavour is a natural companion to butternut squash!
Summer Savory
Growing Instructions: Plant outside after last frost. Cut for use once plants are established
Compact Summer Savory (OP)
Annual. Upright and tidy, great for containers.
Growing Instructions: Keep well watered until established. Mulch for best winter survival. Divide or replace every 3-4 years as it becomes woody. Plant individual plants 6”-8” apart in rows 12”-18” apart
German Winter Thyme (OP)
Perennial. Can do well in containers.
Growing Instructions: Transplant any time from mid spring to beginning of August. Plants do best in cooler weather, so keep well watered during summer heat. In ground spacing: 8”-12” apart in the row in rows 12”-18”apart. For a continuous supply plant every 2-3 weeks.
Varieties: Muir, Fusion, Cherokee, Magenta, Ezrilla, Rhone, Bauer, Rouaxi.
Growing instructions: Can be planted anytime early spring through early July. In ground plant spacing 12”-24” apart in rows 24”-36” apart. Can be grown in a container. Kale has the sweetest flavour in the fall, after a frost. All kale can take hard frosts with curly green being the most frost tolerant and lacinato being the least frost tolerant
Darkibor (F1)
Curly Green
Redbor (F1)
Curly Red
Black Magic (OP)
This type of Kale is commonly known as Lacinato kale, but has many other names including: Toscanco, Blistered and Dinosaur
Growing instructions: Plant in early to mid spring, peas to best in cooler weather. In ground spacing 3-4 inches apart in rows 24” apart. Does well in containers.
Sugar Ann Sugar Snap Pea (OP)
Produces delicious, 2–2 1/2" long peas. Concentrated pod set on 20" dwarf vines with 1 to 2 pods per node. Because of their diminutive stature, trellising the plants is optional. Does well in containers. Remove string from pods before eating/cooking.
Growing instructions: Transplant when danger of frost is passed and soil is warm. Can plant through clear or black plastic to increase soil temperatures. In ground plant spacing: 18” apart in rows 24”-36” apart. Does very well in containers due to warmer soil. Tomato cages make good support structures for peppers.
Sweet Bell Varieties
King of the North Pepper (OP) 70 days
Green to red
Reliable and productive red pepper. Produces substantial, blocky peppers, even in short, cool seasons. Flavour is sweet and delicious.
Red Knight (F1) 77 days
Green to red
Big blocky fruits that are quick to turn red. Flavour is fruity and sweet.
Snowball (F1) 65 days ivory, 85 days golden yellow
Ivory to golden yellow.
Mild when ivory coloured, sweet and fruity when golden coloured.
Milena (F1) 80 days
Green to orange.
Blocky pepper with deep orange colour and intense flavour.
Sweet Sunrise (F1) 85 days
Green to yellow.
Sweet and fruity. Grows well in our Canadian climate
Brocanto (F1) 80 days
Green to yellow.
Blocky pepper ripens to bright yellow. Flavourful
Dragonfly (F1) 65 days
Green to purple to red.
Can eat at any colour stage. Robust pepper flavour.
Hot Pepper Varieties
Jalafuego Jalapeno (F1) 70 days
Produces big, smooth, dark green fruits that are resistant to cracking. Peppers will turn red if left on the plant. Vigorous..
Helios Habenero (F1) 87 days
Does well in northern and short season areas. Early.
Fatalli (OP)
Citrusy and fruity. Heat up front. 500K scoville units.
Red Ember Cayenne (F1) 55 days green, 75 days red
Great flavour with warm heat that lingers. Peppers are 4”-4.5” long.
Summer Squash
Growing Instructions: Plant out when danger of frost is past. Space plants 2-3’ apart in rows 6’ apart. Can use row cover to protect from cucumber beetles until plant flowers, at which point row cover can be removed to allow for pollination. Flowers can also be eaten. If doing so, take only the male blossoms (thin stems) and leave a few for pollination.
Dunja Zucchini (F1)
47 days. Green fruit, open plants. Harvest when fruit is 6-8” long. Resistant to powdery mildew, papaya ringspot virus, watermelon mosaic virus, zucchini yellow mosaic virus.
Yellowfin Zucchini (F1)
50 days. Yellow fruit, open plants. Harvest when fruit is 6-8” long. Resistant to powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic virus.
G-Star Patty Pan (F1)
50 days. Green fruit. Pick when small and shiny
Lemon Sun Patty Pan (F1)
50 days. Bright yellow fruit. Pick when small and shiny
Swiss Chard
Growing instructions: Plant when temperatures are over 10°C. Prolonged exposure to cold weather can cause plants to bolt. Seedlings can take a light frost, and full sized plants are moderately frost tolerant. In ground pllant spacing 12” apart in rows 24” apart. Does well in containers. To harvest, cut or snap mature leaves one at a time.
Bright Lights Swiss Chard (OP)
Savoyed, glossy green and bronze leaves on stems of many colours including white, yellow, pink, orange and red.
Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard (OP)
Savoyed green leaves with white stems. Traditional standard chard variety.
Growing instructions: Plant after risk of frost and nights are consistently above 7°C. In ground spacing 24”-36” apart in rows 4’-6’apart. Tomatoes form roots along their stem, so if your plant is leggy, sink it deep, or lay it on it’s side and bury part of the stem. Pruning your plant is optional. Not pruning will give a greater number of smaller tomatoes. Pruning will give a lesser number of larger tomatoes.
Beefstake Tomato Varieties
Carbon (OP), indeterminate. 76 days
Delicious, productive black heirloom. Rich flavour and meatly texture characteristic of black tomatoes. Fruits are large, 10-14oz.
Darkstar (F1), indeterminate. 70 days
Rich flavour and meatly texture characteristic of black tomatoes. Fruits are smaller than Carbon at 5-8oz. Very productive. Late blight resistant
New Girl (F1), indeterminate 62 days
Early with great flavour. Red fruits are 4-6oz
Damsel (F1), indeterminate. 73 days
Sweet, rich and tangy pink tomatoes. Lower acidity. Fruits are 8-12 oz. Compact plant. Late blight resistant
Lemon Boy (F1), indeterminate 75 days
Sweet, tangy yellow tomatoes. Lower acidity. Firm fruits are 7-8 oz. Harvest a bit under ripe if you prefer more acidity
Valencia (OP), indeterminate 76 days
Heirloom. Sunny orange fruits with full tomato flavour. Lower acidity. Meaty texture with few seeds. Fruits are 8-10 oz.
Marmalade Skies (F1) Indeterminate 75 days
Deep orange tomatoes with medium ribbing. Lower acidity. Fruits are 7-8 oz. Tall plants. Late blight resistant.
Tasmanian Chocolate (OP) Determinate 75 days
Heirloom. Deep, rich flavour in a burgundy coloured tomato. Fruits are 4-6 oz. Perfect for containers-only needs a tomato cage for support.
Green Zebra, (OP) Indeterminate 72 days
Heirloom. 3-4oz fruit is green with yellow stripes and a zingy flavour!
Paste/Roma Tomato Variety
San Marzano II (OP) Indeterminate 78 days
Heirloom. Vibrant red colour. Traditional Italian paste tomato. Easy to peel and cooks down quickly. 4-6 oz fruits.
Cherry Tomato Varieties
Indigo Cherry Drops(OP) indeterminate. 70 days
Striking black and red fruit. Vigorous plant
Black Cherry (OP) indeterminate. 64 days
Purple-brown fruit with superior flavour.
Sakura (F1) indeterminate. 55 days
Red, shiny fruit that is firm without being hard.. Sweet tomato flavour. Tidy compact plant.
Citrine (F1) indeterminate. 60 days
Orange fruit with rich, balanced flavour. More resistance to cracking compared to other orange varieties. Vigorous plant.
Tidy Treats (F1) Dwarf indeterminate. 60 days
Best cherry tomato for container growing. Sweet flavoured red fruit.